A blurry shot of an empty NY subway car

NONSENSE is an independent publication amplifying the stories of outstanding individuals who have yet to have a big "breakthrough". Our subjects are small businesses, artists, artisans, farmers & makers—the local heroes that keep their community alive and the neighborhood thriving. From flower shops to creatives who quit the city or photographers with a day job, NONSENSE is a destination for anybody who wants to find magic in the mundane.

A self-portrait of artist Laura Gauch

The Ocean Is Closed on Mondays

Laura Gauch's Autobiographical Film Tells A Story Of Tenacity And Survival.

Swiss-Chilean visual artist Laura Gauch's first experimental film "The Ocean Is Closed on Mondays" is an introspective journey through topics of assimilation, nostalgia, and the things that are lost when you are forced to leave everything behind.

Artist Mashael Alsace photographed in her studio.

In Conversation With Mashael Alsaie

Bahraini multimedia artist and photographer Mashael Alsaie moved to New York City to leave her comfort zone. On a sweaty summer afternoon, we met her for a coffee to discuss her roots, inspirations and evolution.

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Sarah Nsikak

In Conversation With Sarah Nsikak

Galvanized by the outrageous amount of waste produced by the fashion industry, Sarah Nsikak decided to reset and restart. Now, she put her degree in Masters Degree in Art Therapy to work with La Réunion, a project dedicated to celebrating African folk crafts and culture at large.

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A portrait of Cait Hubner

Cait's World Famous Key Lime Pie

Not all pies are created equal. A Brooklyn-based chef turned pie master tells us how she turned a pandemic craving into a thriving business.

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A portrait of Olu Alege in his home office

Tuning In With No Noise

Olu Alege's Quest To Diversify The Creative Industry

A Bronx native with Nigerian roots, Olu Alege embodies the true spirit of New York City: grit, self-reliance, and radical honesty. With No Noise, he aims to build a table for the underdogs.

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A portrait of a South American man who recurrently plays football at Madison.


Where The Dreams and Passions of Latino Men Come Alive.

For many, football is nothing more than a way to stay fit. But for the Latino community in NYC, the game provides a refuge from everyday life. Colombian photographer Mateo Arciniegas Huertas tells a story of brotherhood and cultural celebration in his project Madison.

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NONSENSE operates at a slow pace, dedicating the appropriate time required to develop stories and deliver exceptional narratives. Every six months we will reveal a new issue under a different theme. Enjoy!